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DNA Matches

    This page lists the Powell cousins that I've found using autosomal DNA. First I've listed those who are related through a Powell ancestor. Also listed are matches I've found who are connected to the Powell family by marriage.  These families tended to intermarry, so multiple relationships might exist. Click on the match's name for more information on our relationship.

Direct Powell Matches

Shultheis    John Powell m. Ann    7th Cousin, 1x removed    18
Eberhardt    Wm R Powell m. Sarah Franklin       4th Cousin, 2x removed    7, 8, 13
Vickery    Wm R Powell m. Sarah Franklin3rd Cousin, 3x removed    18

Related Families

Match  AncestorsRelationshipChromosome
George McCurley m. Sarah McMullens   
4th Cousin, 2x removed   
Unknown Evans m. Bedie Unknown   
5th Cousin   

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